Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Volunteering and the Revival of the American Community

A Hands On Boomer Initiative Update

In his book, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, Robert Putnam examines how we have become increasingly disconnected from family, friends, neighbors and our social networks. Americans are even bowling alone! Putnam believes that America can civically reinvent itself and offers ways to reconnect and engage.

On February 24 and March 1, the Hands On Boomer Initiative and the Multnomah County Library, as partners in Life by Design NW, are co-sponsoring book discussions on Putnam’s book, followed by an opportunity to volunteer. During our conversation we will discuss Putnam’s findings and suggestions for change, explore our own needs for meaningful connection and consider how service to community can assist us in fulfilling this need. Sign up now to participate in this conversation relevant to these challenging times in which greater connection to one another and our common good is needed more than ever.

Visit our Boomer Initiative events page for information on other Portland opportunities relevant to 50+ adults. Hands On Greater Portland is co-sponsoring and presenting at the OASIS education and community service fair on February 27th.

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