Tuesday, August 26, 2008

An Ever Widening Circle

A Circle of Friends created Hands On Greater Portland back in 1996. Today, twelve years later, a Circle of Friends continues to propel Hands On’s growth and development.

I am pleased that our new Circle of Friends has grown to include more than 125 people who support our work to connect volunteers with important needs in the community. Some of these folks have been with us for a decade. Some are new! All of them are making generous personal contributions because they believe in Hands On and the power of volunteering to improve our community.

Their support is paying off here at Hands On and in the community. The 2007-08 fiscal year was our most successful ever, as we made a record 15,000 volunteer connections throughout the metro area. Moreover, just last month, Portland was named third in the nation for volunteering, according to the Corporation for National & Community Service.

The ranking supports what we already know is true. Our community is so livable and vital because so many of us do something to make life better. Hands On taps into that energy and provides volunteers with a way to give back. Our Circle of Friends supporters, in turn, give us the strength to make these connections. My sincere thanks to all of you.

Andy Nelson
Executive Director

Hands On Greater Portland

P.S. - would you like to join our Circle of Friends? Donate >>


Melia said...

Looks great! I'm excited to see more news updates via this medium.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Third in the nation. That's impressive. I look forward to helping Hands On move into second or first place. Good luck!

Bad Joe said...

For sure, Melia. Feels like a great opportunity to communicate with people about what's going on and how they can get involved.