Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Partner Spotlight: Operation HOPE

Through several global initiatives and its three principal programs: Banking on Our Future (teaching school children about money), HOPE Coalition America (financial emergency preparedness and disaster recovery), and the HOPE Center Banking Network (loans, bill pay, computer literacy, understanding banking principles) Operation HOPE is leading the “silver rights” movement towards making free enterprise and capitalism relevant to all underserved communities.

So where do you come in?

Banking on Our Future, the financial education program of HOPE, links professionals from around Portland with schools and community groups.

HOPE needs support in teaching our youth about the basics of banking, budgeting, checking and savings, credit and investment. Volunteers are trained to present the material in a fun, engaging and relevant program. They provide a curriculum that is fun and easy to use.

The program runs four hours and is usually broken up into four, one-hour sessions or two, two-hour sessions. Volunteers only accept programs that fit their schedule. You can teach one program or continue to sign up throughout the year.

This is a simple, easy, fun and rewarding opportunity. Youth need this information in order to succeed in life and you can be the one to give it to them.

To help volunteer, click here.

To learn more about HOPE:


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